Finally the wait is over. The annual celebration of Fogueres De San Juan has started with a big street party in old town, speeches by mayor of Javea Jose Chulvi and 2012 fogueres queen Angela Cholbi Mulet and plenty of fireworks.
The first nights of the annual Jávea fiesta are spent getting the entire town into party mode with live music in Plaza De La Constitution, the first of several bull running events and parades for quintas and penyas of Javea. As tradition prescribes this years quinta, Quintà La Fotrakà, consists of the youth turning 18 in 2012 in Xabia. The penyas function alongside the Quintas and are not tied to a specific age, instead penyas are basically more or less formal gangs of friends spending the fiestas partying together.
For the first time in Javea history, this year has seen the birth of a penya formed round expats wishing to take further part in the fiestas and integrate in the cultural events. Penya Com a Gambes – had its debut at the inauguration of this years fiesta and was joined for drinks by deputy mayor Oscar Anton, challenged to crazy drinking games by other penyas and generally greeted with a laugh and warm welcome by everyone involved.
If you are an expat in Javea or on holiday in Xabia during fogueres de sant joan 2012 you should definitely consider heading up to old town and join in the celebrations. If you are a bit relactant to go on your own, Penya Com A Gambes is a friendly gang with members from Belgium, Ireland, England, Spain and even Denmark – you are cordially invited to join us for public events at the fiesta. Jump on facebook, find “Javeamigos guide” and check the schedule, leave a message etc.
The inagguration was promptly followed by bull runs through town. As usual most residents and all bulls survived unharmed. The bulls were taken back to their fields for special fiesta snacks whilst the Xabianeros prepared for the annual Quinta Parade in Javea.
The Quinta 2012 and all their predecessors marched through town in a happy carnival style street party whilst singing, dancing and getting spurred on by penyas and others along the route to the nightly live music concerts and dance parties.
Watch the Fogueres De Sant Joan 2012 in Photos from Jávea ->
- Photos from Sant Joan De Fogueres 2012 – Gallery 1
- Photos from Sant Joan De Fogueres 2012 – Gallery 2
Theres plenty yet to come. Check the remaining program below, theres festivities on the menu for all ages and tastes:
10:00 Activities for kids. Fun for kids in the Parque Reina Sofia de Thiviers.
12:30 Release of young bulls by Ganaderia Coves.
19:00 Bull running with bulls from Ganaderias Julio Aparicio, Alcurrucén and Benavent.
22:30 Music in Calle San Vicente by the Romantica Saladar, dancing and joy!
00:00 Flaming horns contest – Competing teams: Marina Alta of Xàbia, El Piló of Teulada, Ferratge of Jesús Pobre and Poco y Compañía of Ondara.
02:00 DJs / Mobile Disco until early morning in plaza de la constitution
MONDAY 18 JUNE – Bull Running and Flamenco
16:00 Futsal Championship organized by the peña “Tanquem The Nit”
19:00 Bull running with bulls of Ganaderia Benavent. Farms competition day with Ganaderia La Paloma.
22:00 Flamenco Night at the Parque Reina Sofia de Thiviers.
00:00 Bull running with bulls and cows of Ganaderia Crespo. Then, release of cows and a spectacular bull with flaming horns, sponsored by the peña “Fadrins, borratxos i fins”
02:00 DJs / Mobile Disco until early morning in plaza de la constitution
10:00 The Gran Cagada (aka the giant turd or big shit) also known as bull bingo. Come and gamble away on bull poo in Avenida de Palmela. Organized by the peña “Si la vista no m’enganya, porte bona castanya”. Its all about predicting where the bull will take a dump.
16:00 Futsal Championship (Sports Hall)
17:00 Bull running for children (not real bulls…not really health and safety conscious either – but the kids love it!)
17:00 Championship “Raspall” between “Peñas Santjoaneres” in the Trinquet (organized by the Club of Pilota Xàbia and Penyasa).
19:00 Bull running with bulls from the Ganaderia La Paloma
22.00 Farce Theatre by Teatro Montgo Javea with the play “Soldats i criaes” in the Placeta del Convent. “Soldiers of the crisis” … comedy/satire – but in Valenciano.
00:00 Bull running with cows and bulls with flaming horns sponsored by the peña “Si la vista no m’enganya, porte bona castanya”.
02:00 DJs / Mobile Disco until early morning in plaza de la constitution
09:00 “Planta” Central and Child Foguera will be set up in the Plaza de la Constitucion and the Placeta del Convent.
10:00 Darts championship in the peña “Fadrins, borratxos i fins” on Calle Mayor
13:00 Paella Competition in the park Montaner. Don´t miss it, plenty of delicious and creative paellas freshly cooked and ready to be tasted.
17:30 Playground in the Placeta del Convent.
19:00 “Childrens’ Dance” in the Placeta del Convent.
22:00 Street musicians competetion in Placeta del Convent.
22:30 Dance night with the orchestra EAST COAST in the Freginal sector.
00:00 Live Music: La Fuga and Los del Gas in the Plaza de la Constitucion. DJs / Mobile Disco until early morning in plaza de la constitution
08:00 Desperta by the peña “the Torba”
09:00 Lunch with the retired people in Parque Montaner & domino tournaments etc
14:00 Giant paella for everyone in Parque Montaner.
17:00 Championship Finals “Raspall” between “Peñas santjoaneres” in the Trinquet
18:00 Performance by the Senior Citizens Choir at the Social Center
18:30 Parade by all festeros to visit the various parts of Javea starting from the Plaza de la Marina Alta
20:00 Dancing in the Placeta del Covent, live music by BRADMIS.
21:30 SERENADE to the queens and presidents by the Tuna of Jávea.
22:30 Live Music & Dancing: Pacific Blue in the Freginal sector
23:30 “Que noche la de aquel día”. Live music by Xàbia Rain in the Plaza de la Constitucion. Afterwards dancing and partying with DJ’s Palazón, Paquitus, Emilio Ferrer, Thomas La Nucia, Toni “Bup” and Cape Bartholomew “, till people go home or the sun comes up
08:00 “Desperta” by the peña “Pensat i fet”
11:30 Parade by the festeros to visit the decorated streets (all the old town streets will compete to look the prettiest)
19:00 Flower Offering to Sant Joan in the church square of Xabia Old Town. Tapestry organized by the peña “The Patxorra”.
21:30 Theater group of the Senior Citizens Association perform the play “Tot el que re-llueix” in the Freginal sector. Yummies and wine will be distributed to everyone.
22:30 Dancing in Carrer Nou, with the Grup de Danses Portitxol.
00:00 Live Music Concert featuring Melendi, Plaza de la Constitucion. DJs / Mobile Disco until early morning
SATURDAY JUNE 23: DAY “Cream Dels Focs”
08:00 “Desperta” by the peña “Fadrins borratxos i fins.”
10.00 Crazy Park Playground for all kids in the Freginal sector with snacks and refreshments for all the children.
19:00 Parade Of The Penyas. Crazy street party parades and carnival atmosphere.
21:30 Choir Performance by the Choir Rociero and the Choir of Senior Citizens
00.00 Fire jumping in the streets for good luck and as warmup to Correfocs or “Crema Del Focs De Sant Joan“.
02:00 Correfocs. The maddest event you will ever experience. Everyone chased through the streets with live fireworks, the electric wires above rigged up to explode, metal bulls on fire charging at the crowds. Its complete and utter madness, but fantastic fun and entirely unique. From Calle Raval de Baix to Plaza de la Constitucion. Live music by Ms-Popados and party all night afterwards
08:00 “Desperta” by the peñas “El Tro” and “La Cafra”
10:00 Parade to pick up the Courts of Honor, Damas, Reinas and Presidents of the Quintas to provide them escort to the church of Sant Joan.
10.00 Solemn Mass for Sant Joan in the plaza de Xàtiva
12:00 Mass for Sant Joan in the Iglesia de Sant Bertomeu
13:30 “Mascletà”, Avenida de Palmela.
14:00 Wine of Honor, Social Centre
19:00 Parade of Floats to the Placeta del Convent.
22:00 Childrens’ Crema Foguera in Placeta del Convent.
23:00 Live Music by the orchestra Primera Plana in Plaza de la Constitucion.
00:00 Musical Pirotecnics. Fireworks and music in one, like a music video where the fireworks follow the music. Next, Crema De La Foguera, Live Music and a farewell to Fogueres 2012.
Oh happy joy – Its fiesta time in Javea! Come up to old town and join in, its excellent fun and a truly unique way of experiencing real Spanish culture.
Are the fiestas safe for tourist?
If you are sitting and pondering – I am on holiday in Javea and the fiesta looks exciting. But is it really safe for me and my family? There seems to be lots of drinking, young people partying and bulls loose in the streets…is it?
YES! The fiestas are perfectly safe in a crime or trouble perspective. Unlike largely anywhere else in Europe, you never see fighting or any form of nasty atmosphere at fiestas in Jávea. The festivities are good natured and bound by traditions to an extend, where nobody will be allowed to ruin the good fun for everyone by acting obnoxious to you as a foreign visitor or to anyone else.
Is it safe in general? Well, if you choose to run in front of a bull, have people chase you with fireworks or jump over bonfires in the streets, of course there is a risk. These risks are part of the fun and nothing actually tends to happen to anyone. However, if you prefer to keep it closer to Northern European health and safety style events, simply pick out some of the fiesta events for kids and families to go to – they are simply safe fun and games.
Come Along, Join The Fun
Nothing left to wait for. Come up to Xabia Historic Centre, join the fogueres and get new experiences for life and a memorable holiday full of new inputs!